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[4]習近平:《學黨史悟思想辦實事開新局 以優(yōu)異成績迎接建黨一百周年》,《人民日報》,2021年2月21日,第1版。




[11][16][25][33]習近平:《決勝全面建成小康社會 奪取新時代中國特色社會主義偉大勝利——在中國共產(chǎn)黨第十九次全國代表大會上的報告》,《人民日報》,2017年10月28日,第1版。





[18]《聯(lián)合國秘書長古特雷斯致函習近平 祝賀中國脫貧攻堅取得重大歷史性成就》,《人民日報》,2021年3月10日,第1版。














[36]習近平:《貫徹落實新時代黨的組織路線 不斷把黨建設得更加堅強有力》,《求是》,2020年第15期。




責 編/張 曉


The Great Contribution of the CPC to the World in the New Era

Ouyang Junxi

Abstract: The contribution of the CPC to the world in the new era is shown in three aspects: first, it greatly enriches the theory and practice of Marxism and brings the world socialism to a new stage; second, China has completely got rid of absolute poverty and made great contributions to human development and progress through its own development; third, it has expanded the way of developing countries to move towards modernization and contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to solving problems of the human society. The reason why the CPC can make great contributions to the world in the new era is determined by its nature, purpose and characteristics.

Keywords: new era, CPC, Marxism, socialism with Chinese characteristics

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